International Student Salary in USA | Part time & Full time work

 Hey Guys, In this Blog I will be talking about the places I used work in US and my salaries. And it is definitely possible to cover your expenses tuition and food expenses through working part time.Earn 30$ Online Everyday By Doing Simple Jobs

 U.S has a huge job market and that's

why many the NASA students are interested in coming to us for jobs so this video is all about what type of jobs you can get as an international student here in u.s. when you want in college so first of all let's talk about the legal jobs you can do during the first year of college and you are only allowed to work on campus for the first one here and these jobs include working at restaurants on campus working in the
dining hall working in gym library working as tutors such as math Souter science tutor or working as research assistants lab assistants and so on and these all jobs are considered legal and you can get them on first-come first-served basis as long as you apply on time and you can call international students Department to ask them the procedure how to apply for these jobs and you will be applying to these jobs through the university portal and now this means all the off-campus jobs such as working at warehouses gas stations all of these jobs will be considered illegal and you will be only allowed to
work off-campus after one year of college and those jobs will be only related to your major for example if you are a computer science major you will be only allowed to work for those engineering job companies and you will be applying for CPT that's a curricular practical training program so you will
apply to that and then you will be able to get that particular job only and only if that is related to your major also consider another example if you are a math major you will be able to do research at anywhere outside the campus once you have completed one year so let's talk about the working hours here in the US so when you are studying in college you will be only allowed to work
part-time up to 20 hours so those hours are kind of flexible if you limit your total hours for two weeks to 40 hours for example you work for 16 hours for the first week and 24 hours for the second
week off that pay cycles so you have to be very careful about that now you can work for more
than 20 hours and actually up to 40   hours during summer breaks or winter breaks now let's talk about the salary so how much you can earn when you are here in college or or you're working off
campus or anywhere let's consider the range so the range varies where you live so there is a minimum wage associated with every state air and US so I would like to shared the minimum wage here in
Georgia that is 7.25 dollars an hour and it is $11 in California and nine point seven dollars in New York so it varies and the range of pay scale will be if you consider the average case scenario
it will be seven point two five to $25 an hour so that's the average case scenario but that doesn't mean you cannot earn more than that you can obviously do if you have the caliber if you have the
potential and you fulfill the requirements so let's talk about some job scenarios so when I came to us I got a job as a math tutor after applying online and I got the job because I had EP credits for cash plus one and calculus to those who are required for the job I used to get paid around eight
point five dollars an hour and that was quite enough to pay for my food but no quite enough to pay for my rent because I used to work for only ten to twelve hours because they had limited hours
available at that time because I applied for that job very late so I applied for
the job after I was here in school so I think I got the job after one month here
in school so that's the reason I got very less hour and after the first
semester I got 18 hours per week and I also used to work overtime when there
was a tutor absent or there was more workload so they used to make this so
they used to allow me to do so and in that case I was able to cover my rent
because I used to earn around $600 and that was quite enough for me but
let's consider my second job scenario so after my two semesters as a math tutor I
started working as an intern and I used to get paid around twenty dollars an
hour so I got the internship because I had and some projects I had experienced
as a computer science major and and twenty dollars an hour for the summer
working full-time was quite enough for me and I used to go for forty hours
every week during the summer as a full-time intern and I used to work
part-time in the fall and spring semesters I used to get paid $20 an hour
even for the part-time opportunity at my internship I used to get paid around
$1,200 every week when I worked part-time at and around $2,400 when I
worked full-time and that was quite enough for me and I was able to cover my
rent and also was able to pay my fees to some extent and so work hard and try
your best to get an internship or research opportunity so that will be the
best job you can get and there will be the highly paid job that you can work
legally so now let's consider the third job scenario that I will be working in
future so I got my next internship now and that will pay me around $24 an hour
so that is much better than the other two job I have got and I will be working
as a software engineer in this company so I will say as you gain more
experience the the salary you can get increases so these are my three job
scenarios and these scenarios may differ if you are coming as a math major you
might get paid differently as different major and you might get paid differently
as you choose a different major so you have to do research in that case but I
can provide you the job range that will be around 7.25 to $25.00 in most of the
average case scenarios so let's talk about some important key things that you
must know or joining these jobs so the first will be tax deductions yes so your salary
will have tax deductions and in most of the cases federal tax deduction and
state tax deductions and that will depend on the state you will be moving
into and do you don't have a very much about it because you will get those tax
deductions I mean the money that has been deducted paths when you will file
your tax return so you will get 90 percent of that tax reduction for sure
and now the second key thing to remember is you must apply to those jobs by
contacting the international student and scholar services and you can call them
and ask them to procedure how to apply for these jobs can reserve a job in
advance so that you can cover your expensive you can cover your food
expenses your head cover your fees to some extent so that is that that will be
very important I will say and you should put minimum burden on your parents now
the third key thing to remember is you will not always get those 20 hours
because there are many students who need jobs so to make sure that they will take
out some hours from you so that everyone gets hours so that everyone can learn
money and after the first semester I can assure you you can get more hours for
sure and you can also tell them that I am an international student I need more
hours and they will surely give you and in some cases you might not even able to
work for 20 hours because you may have exams you need to study for them or you
want to enjoy your life may be may be asks for a leave so in those Katan so in
those scenarios you might not work for 20 hours so that's pretty much it I hope
you found this video helpful so please do is remember to subscribe to
my Blog and I will see you guys in
the next one thank you!


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